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June 18, 2009

For the first time in the history of LIS160 of UP SLIS (as far as I know), I have decided to use blogs to monitor the progress of each student enrolled in the course. Students will be required to post a blog entry every time I give instructions or pointers to blog about. The topics or instructions shall be posted on the Google Group.

Since LIS 160 will focus on information handling and processing, the aim is for students to know and get familiarized with the information that are freely available in the Internet and at the same time process these to promote the building of collaborative content and learning not only within themselves but possibly with the users of the World Wide Web.

The groups are required to register at WordPress.com in order to gain access to the service. After registering, a group representative should type their WordPress-registered email addresses and corresponding usernames along with their group name in this form. A category will be created for each group and the entries of each group shall be filed under that category. Make sure that you file your blog entries under the correct category, otherwise it will not be credited.

When you are posting your blog entries, please make sure that you insert the “more” tag after the first paragraph.  Always sign the entry with your name/s to give it a more personalized feel and use the correct Category (or group). Add links to technologies that you are mentioning or referring to. Lastly, try to insert an image for every post – anything that you think is relevant to the post. Remember, if you are using somebody else’s photo, make sure that you give an attribution.

The WordPress blog shall serve as a learning portfolio for you while helping you to get familiarized with HTML development as well. Be creative in your blog posts and avoid copying or reposting or ideas from other groups’ posts. Don’t forget to register at http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=ck45N2VCWWY0cnBUcEhqLXo0eVJyRnc6MA..

Thank you and good luck in blogging! 🙂

Categories: Announcements